7 Best Tips for Printer Cartridge Care
Printer consumable’s high cost is the most common issue heard from almost every printer owner, especially increasing cost of the ink cartridge. Therefore, it becomes essential for users to consider all the issues that reduce printer cost. This will ensure your present cartridge will run for a longer time and enables you to use until the last drop. Here, we have tips:
- Do Not Allow The Cartridge To Dry Out
- Do Not Let Your Cartridge To Starve
- Keep Cartridge Hydrated
- Do Not Use Compatible Cartridges And Re-manufactured Cartridges
- Shaking Can Create Issues
- Fix Time And Cleaning Schedule
- Always Put Them In Moderate Temperature
Let’s get in complete detail:
- Do Not Allow The Cartridge To Dry Out
Cartridge always requires a plastic shelter when not been used. Therefore, it is always essential for home printer owners to provide a shelter of plastic paper to their unused printer cartridge. As the plastic does not allow air to pass through, hence there will be no issue of clogging of ink on the print-head or cartridge ink nozzle. Clogging is also responsible for high ink consumption whereas plastic saves and provide a good working condition.
- Do Not Let Your Cartridge To Starve
When you notice your ink cartridge is hungry and need ink to perform better. Just go and fill it with quality ink. As a cartridge that has little ink will perform better than a cartridge which is completely empty. Timely feeding cartridge also saves you from many other non-avoidable issues. So, do not let your cartridge hungry for more than a month as once your cartridge become lazy, it will be hard to recover back.
- Keep Cartridge Hydrated
Whether using or not, be sure your cartridge must be hydrated and will not die prematurely. With this, keep on checking your coloured ink cartridge regularly. Cyan, Magenta and Yellow can run out completely. So do not forget to check them and refill or replace with original ink cartridge only. While printing, your printer or connected computer show you timely ink level messages. You should not overlook all these warnings and take timely actions.
- Do Not Overlook the Alternative Cartridges Warnings
Compatible cartridges are not meant for your printer. Therefore, while installing or using you may meet with some hurdles of non-compatibility and early low-ink level message. If there is an installation issue, you cannot do anything to deal with such an issue. But, if there is an ink level issue, you can conveniently meet with the same. Just keep on checking your ink or toner cartridge level manually, rather than completely relying on the system.
- Shaking Can Create Issues
Many believe shaking can solve their printer cartridges problems. Indeed not, shaking is riskier and create issues in your printer. This can damage your ink cartridge from inside and keep your printer down.
- Fix Time And Cleaning Schedule
Like other devices printer cartridge also demand cleaning. This prevents dust accumulation and smooth printer working conditions. Therefore, it is always essential to not to ignore your printer and fix a schedule when you clean it properly. This can be once or twice in a month, either own or from an expert.
- Always Put Them In Moderate Temperature
In the better care of printer or ink cartridge, adequate room temperature is always desirable. Therefore, always keep your printer cartridge in moderate climatic conditions. Never use the window, direct sunlight or too cold place to store. You can also read precautions or storage tips given by the manufacturer on the cartridge label.
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